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Transforming Science Practice for Culturally Responsive Teaching

The ACES program at Stevens Institute of Technology  in partnership with the Inspire Institute offer a dynamic series of workshops and coaching modules focused on adapting curriculum for culturally responsive science teaching

 15 Hours Awarded
 Digital Certificate and Badge
 stipend available

 Six Sessions -
Feb 11, feb 25, Mar 4, 18, 25, ApR 8

Workshop Information

February 11
Immersing Into Human Worlds of Science
This session explores how culturally responsive teaching allows educators to uncover and tap into these worlds, connecting science to the lived experiences, questions, and creativity of students. nts' identities and cultivate meaningful engagement.
February 25
Adapting Science Investigations and Lessons for Hope, Joy and Relevance
Aligning Science Investigations and Lessons for Hopeful and Inspiring Science Experiences This session focuses on planning and designing science lessons that align with curriculum standards while fostering joy, curiosity, and empowerment.
  March 18
Amplifying Student Agency and Inquiry with Crosscutting Connections 
This session focuses on amplifying student agency and inquiry by designing science learning experiences that build meaningful connections across disciplines and cultural contexts by integrating crosscutting concepts with culturally responsive practices.
Championing Justice and Thriving With Science
This session focuses on using science as a tool for justice, advocacy, and thriving in students’ lives and communities. Building on earlier workshops, educators will learn to design lessons that empower students to investigate critical societal and environmental issues while envisioning equitable futures. 
Circle Sessions - March  4 and March 25
In these small group sessions, teachers fine-tune their culturally responsive practices with guidance from the coach and peer support. This workshop focuses on making real-time adaptations in teaching based on student and community needs. In this session, teachers present findings, consider reflections and adaptations based on the wisdom of the community of teachers based on their unique classroom contexts. Teachers receive personalized support by diving deeper into refining lesson implementation and responding to student feedback. 
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Brian Williams

Social Justice and Equity focused STEM Education Scholar
About The Instructor
Social Justice and Equity focused Public Education Scholar and Experienced Center Director with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Expertise in Equity and Diversity, Instructional Design, Fundraising and Partnerships, Professional Development, and Science Education. Strong organizational development professional committed to cultivating equitable and inclusive educational communities.
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Educators deserve time and support to create powerful learning experiences where students and their communities play a central role in math learning. This series offers you the tools and insights to make that potential a reality. In each workshop of this course series, you’ll not only have a deeper understanding of culturally responsive teaching practices, but you’ll also be equipped with actionable strategies to transform your classroom into a space of powerful, culturally connected learning.
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